Workplace Finnish


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Workplace Finnish Training

The aim of Workplace Finnish Training is to improve the personnel’s, who have a foreign background, capacity to manage their work tasks in Finnish. The language lessons of the training focus on the professional vocabulary needed in the tasks, communication situations encountered at work, customer service situations or the company’s occupational safety and other material, for example. Workplace Finnish Training is included in the Talent Boost Finland service package that supports companies to connect with international talents.

The training is tailored to the needs of the company and the trainees. The objective, content, duration and method of the training will be agreed with the employer.

Workplace Finnish Training is suitable for the needs of small, medium and large enterprises. The public sector – the government, municipalities, joint municipal authorities and parishes – can also use the service.

Workplace Finnish Training can be used at different stages of the company and especially when changes occur in the company’s operations that demand an update of the entrepreneur’s and/or personnel’s professional competence. Workplace Finnish Training can be implemented in the form of targeted, recruitment and change training (TäsmäKoulutus, RekryKoulutus and MuutosKoulutus in Finnish).

Workplace Finnish Training