How to apply
To whom and on what terms
The primary minimum duration of Wokplace Finnish Training is 70 lessons (each 45 min). However, the minimum duration can be adjusted to meet the specific needs of the company. The training is organised according to the needs of the company, taking into account the objectives and duration of the training. A typical cycle is between two and four lessons once or two times a week.
The service is discretionary and subject to a fee. The Workplace Finnish Training is co-funded by the employer and the labour administration. The employer’s contribution depends on the company’s size and turnover or balance sheet. The company’s contribution is 30–50% of the total price of targeted training (TäsmäKoulutus), 30% in recruitment training (RekryKoulutus) and 20% in change training (MuutosKoulutus).
A fee is charged for the service.
The service is provided by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, and in Uusimaa region the TE Office. Please contact your local ELY Centre or TE Office.